5. Lower the trade deficit
The U.S. has a trade deficit of approximately $48 Billion. A trade deficit means that we have more dollars flowing out of the country and into the hands of foreign powers to buy foreign goods, than returning to buy American goods. This leads to less stimulus for the American small business and slower economic recovery and job creation. Rising oil prices and imports from China are driving the trade deficit up, major barriers to creating enough jobs to stem rising unemployment.
4. Support once vibrant, but now struggling regional communities
Large regions of the U.S. have been in a near depression for years, as industry and population centers have shifted domestically and now overseas. Stimulating U.S. manufacturers will open the door for new innovation in industries that can replace the jobs that have been lost in regions such as the Rust Belt.
3. Decrease global economic impact on the U.S. Economy
By outsourcing much of the American manufacturing base, we have become extremely dependent on emerging economies, especially China. There are social, economic, and regional factors that can cause these economies to falter. We do not want the Chinese and Indian economies to fail, given our current dependence on their workers. This causes us to have policy that is more beneficial to foreign economies than to our own. We can begin to reverse this practice by supporting more domestic production.
2. Keep high paying jobs on our shores
One of the largest factors in unemployment is a simple economic reality. Companies cannot afford to pay American workers if consumers demand cheaper foreign made goods. By supporting American companies, the decision makers at these companies have an economic interest to keep high paying jobs onshore. Higher wages has a cyclical effect on the economy. This includes more disposable income for workers, the creation of new companies to meet new demand, higher real estate values, better education, and better standard of living.
1. Pass on America's quality of living standard & economic superiority to your children
Massive transfers of wealth have happened numerous times over the history of man, usually due to increased trade between nations. The continual loss of American innovation and companies is causing this same drain of wealth that threatens to decrease the American standard of living for generations to come.