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1. Alexander Graham Bell was one of the founders of National Geographic magazine.
2. The soft drink industry spends more than $100 million a year in stopping thefts involving their vending machines.
3. Diners Club issued its first card to only two hundred customers and it could only be used at twenty seven restaurants in New York City.
4. Car magnate Henry Ford would be worth around $200 Billion in today's dollars, adjusted for inflation.
5. Ajax cleanser was the first company to use animated characters in its television commercials.
6. Before its name was changed in 1924, IBM was known as C-T-R, or Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company.
7. Thomas Edison has been granted the most U.S. patents for inventions, 1093.
8. Sara Lee is named for the daughter of Chicago bakery owner Charles Lubvin. He first named a cheesecake after his daughter, then in 1951 his company.
9. Heinz ketchup leaves the bottle at approximately 25 miles per hour.
10. Arby's was named for brothers Forrest and LeRoy Raffel (the Raffel Brothers, or RB)